Letters to Ada Jane Lunden (image 00010)
from collection Letters_to_Ada_Jane_Lunden-xt79p843tv6g_10
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[upper half of image is final page of letter, beginning of letter is on the bottom half] to wair [sic] it for years + with I wair [sic] a polonaise maid of Osca Wild cabet black back ground with big drab roses that’s all that I have new but some blue + black flanel [sic] pantallons [sic] wouldent [sic] you like a peace. this is the firse [sic] year I ever ware [sic] flanel [sic] but shall never do without it again
I spent a week in the country with Emma there was nothing exciting thair [sic] only they did not expect me so I had to walk about a mile. we axpected [sic] them to dine with us to day they did not come it has been the worst day rain and snow all day and has been so for the last week with the exception of one day the roads are fearful
Well honey I have written enough for this time now answer soon (like me) how does the dress making go with Love I remain your friend & schoolmate [right justified]Angie Henning
I was glad to hear from [OK?] Charl. is very anxious I should write. I have written a card tonight I made Elmer beleave [sic] you sent me his first letter dont for heaven tell him what I told you! he would kick, you bet your neck.
[bottom half of image, beginning of letter] [right justified] Sheffield Illinois Dec 25 1882 [left justified] Dear Friend Ada,- I will first wish you a merry Christmas and then try to answer your letter of Nov-19. Well me Pet in the first place I was most tickled to death to get the boys pictures. thanks. they are very good, and secondly I had a regular feast on the news you gave me. any more from that quarter would be very willingly received. I would like to know who Etta married etc. I liked her though she was always good to us girls. I never saw Dr Bourns when I was in P. or any one else one time I went up to a boy and ask him if his name was not Farley but he said no so I was left.
Oh! yes about Mr Elmer - he is a regular little honey (6 foot 4 in) is a carpenter by traid [sic]