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[left side of page] I think Jim told me that you was Twenty One. I am glad Jim is getting along so nicely and is having a good time. Lottie had a letter from Link this week. they are all pretty well. Cousin Ada, the next time you write to Jim ask him to write to me. I would like to know all about him. he promised to write but I suppose he has forgot all about it. Do you have much fun in Hollidaysburg. We do not have any here. There was some snow, but not enough for sleighing. I wish it would snow more, for I like to go coasting. we have had very little skating, but as I do not skate, do not miss that very [right side of page] much.

I am very sorry your Grandmother is so poorly. hope she is better. Mother is able to come down stairs now. she is getting along very nicely. Lottie and Hattie have severe colds. the rest are all well.

Cousin Ada do you make “Rick Rack”? it is all the rage here just now. I think Mother has made up Three dozen bolts. I think it is very pretty for trimming underwear.

I must close. Write soon.

Love to All. Sincerely yours, Cousin Ada