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[left justified] she is awful tony and will pass for thirty five right along. I am her name sake I wish I was half as good looking as she or had half her stamps Oh! Ada you should see my tony mash he is about as tall as I and half as thick as long. has red hair and his face is almost the same collor [sic] and covered with freckels [sic] about as large as a egg, with out any forhead [sic], has little blue eyes, with out any expression, I never could describe his nose + havent looked at his mouth, I can scarcely endure him but he has the dandy little pony + pha[^e]ton. I will hold him at arms length as long as I can but when he gets spoony then he will "strike ice". I love pretty [pretty is underlined for emphasis] boys dont you! but then a nice conveyance covers a multitud [sic] of sins. "but you are tired of this." Speaking of picnics makes me think of old times we dont have them out here very much, in fact I have never attended one since I came to this state. The lodge are going to have a baskett [sic] sociable next Saturday night. the lady takes luncheon enough for two persons + puts her card into the baskett [sic], the gentleman then purchase the baskets and tak [sic] the lady whose name happens to be in the basket to "luncheon" I pitty [sic] the one who gets my fellow. Millie's school begins next week rather her than me such warm weather but it is cool compared with last summer, I can hardly ensure hot weather it makes me so ill na- tured Was glad to hear you are getting along so nicely with your serwing how would you like to have me come and learn, I often thought I would like sewing if I could make it pay but think I would find it dificult [sic] to sit so steady but never mind there's a good time comming [sic] when I come East. you know Why dont you write long letters like I do. I wish I liked to write them as well as I like to receive them, ha! ha! Do you know where Kate Carter is. tell me what you know of her after she left Gettisburg [sic]. you and her used to be real well aquainted [sic], didnt you?