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  • 20:08, 7 February 2024.ODcx.NDI2 (hist | edit) ‎[706 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[paper has been folded in half, leaving a crease down the center, creating a left and right page] [left side of page, center of page] I would love to see you. Bell Hunter Deckers Point Indiana Co., Pa [right side of page] [left justified] Deckers Point July 20 179 [1879] [right justified] My Dear Ada,- I received your welcom [sic] letter I was glad to hear from you. I spent the 4th of July with Bell Wilson or No. 1 as she calls herself and piched [sic] horseshoes in the...")
  • 17:58, 7 February 2024.OTE5.NDcz (hist | edit) ‎[96 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[back of envelope] [centered on right edge of envelope, postmark] Hollidaysburgh Dec 28 1822 PA.")
  • 17:56, 7 February 2024.OTEz.NDY3 (hist | edit) ‎[234 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[[front of envelope] [upper right, postmark] Sheffield Dec 26 1882 [upper right corner] Green three cent postage stamp with portrait of George Washington [center of envelope] Miss Ada Lunden, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co., Pennsvania [sic]")
  • 17:54, 7 February 2024.OTA3.NDYx (hist | edit) ‎[1,836 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "and temperate you bet is one of ower [sic] best Lodge members as far as I know is good principaled [sic] he is lively and good looking if he could hear that he would say “now give it to us light” but never mind, I guess I told you about my friend Marth + his chum, and He + myself going to another Lodge four miles from hear [sic] we had an Oyster Oh! supper before we came home and if we did- ent have a picture I'll eat any hat but the worst time in town was last Satur...")
  • 17:37, 7 February 2024.OTAw.NDU0 (hist | edit) ‎[1,961 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[upper half of image is final page of letter, beginning of letter is on the bottom half] to wair [sic] it for years + with I wair [sic] a polonaise maid of Osca Wild cabet black back ground with big drab roses that’s all that I have new but some blue + black flanel [sic] pantallons [sic] wouldent [sic] you like a peace. this is the firse [sic] year I ever ware [sic] flanel [sic] but shall never do without it again I spent a week in the country with Emma there was noth...")
  • 17:22, 7 February 2024.OTY2.NTIw (hist | edit) ‎[84 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{backside of envelope] [upper right corner, postmark] Hollidaysburgh Nov 21 1882 PA.")
  • 17:21, 7 February 2024.OTYy.NTE2 (hist | edit) ‎[207 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[postmark, upper center of envelope] Emsworth Nov 20 PA. [upper right corner of envelope] Green three cent stamp with a portrait of George Washington [center of envelope] Miss Ada Lunden Hollidaysberg Penna")
  • 17:19, 7 February 2024.OTU1.NTA5 (hist | edit) ‎[1,197 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[paper was originally folded in half, there is a crease down the middle, creating two pages] [top of left page] go but I do not blame him. if I was a man I would see all I could of this world that I could ["that I could" is crossed out] if he had gone any place in the United States it would not have seemed so hard, but South America seems out of the world and then he dont expect to be home for a year at the very least but I guess the only thing we can do is make the best...")
  • 17:07, 7 February 2024.OTQ4.NTAy (hist | edit) ‎[544 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[right justified] Emsworth Penna Noc 19th 1882 [left justified] My Dear Cousin I received your letter some time last week and will now improve the opportunity to answer it. I was in town all of last week with Sister Mollie. Bro Sam (My big Brother) left for South America last Sabbath evening. Mother + Papa and Sister Sallie and Bros Sam and Chas. and a Mr. Walton, a friend of Sams were at Sisters for dinner then we all went to the Depot with Sam there was about fifty per...")
  • 17:03, 7 February 2024.OTQx.NDk1 (hist | edit) ‎[2,045 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[left justified] she is awful tony and will pass for thirty five right along. I am her name sake I wish I was half as good looking as she or had half her stamps Oh! Ada you should see my tony mash he is about as tall as I and half as thick as long. has red hair and his face is almost the same collor [sic] and covered with freckels [sic] about as large as a egg, with out any forhead [sic], has little blue eyes, with out any expression, I never could describe his nose + ha...")
  • 16:41, 7 February 2024.OTM1.NDg5 (hist | edit) ‎[1,594 bytes]Sarah.coblentz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[top of image is the fourth and final page of the letter.] [left justified]Well Hony [sic] I wish you were here to day for it is dreadful lonesome, there isent [sic] much going on, we have a new telephone line from our town to several points. I was never so short of news before please send me some if you have any throwaway I will close with love to all, love to Will G. tell him to "dont forget to curl his hair." Kiss all the big boys for me. Oh! by! by! Honey I remain ev...")